One of the greatest gifts is the gift of play. In this never-pausing, chaotic world, what could be better – during the holidays and throughout the year – #HappyHolidays.
In times of chaos and upheaval, we look for refuge in simplicity. And one of the simplest things one can do to ease the mind is to play.
According to Mr Spock:
“The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play.”
Never more true and never more needed. (If you were a fan of the original Star Trek, you’ll know the episode where this quote originated. If not, you can cheat here.)
Thanks for hanging with the curious g for another year, and making the switchover from the old site. Check out my 2018 best of film roundup – lots of great films this year.
Have the happiest holidays, and I wish you a playful 2019!
Design + animation: © 2018 Janet Giampietro.